Money Frog


COPENCREATIVE-AI-for-TheMoneyFrog-2024-01-28 19.51.17 - Whimsical illustration for a blog post titled '2024 Lucky Cleaning Method



Lucky Tips Series: #5 of 6


常言道:“年 廿 八 , 洗 邋 遢",此时 是 大 掃 除 兼 洗 白刷淨, 以 煥 然 一 新 的姿 態 迎 接 新 一 年到來的時侯。傳 說 春 節 前 洗 澡 理 髮 , 有 消 災 去 病 之功 效

“02/07/2024 in the Western calendar (Wednesday, the 28th day of December in the lunar calendar) is the day for general cleaning. As the saying goes “Wash away sloppiness.” This is the time to clean up to welcome the arrival of the New Year with a brand-new attitude. It is said that taking a bath and getting a haircut before the Lunar New Year can ward off disasters and illness.


Every Lunar New Year comes and every household has to clean the environment, wash all kinds of utensils, change and wash bedding and curtains, sweep the backyard, dust away dirt and cobwebs, and clear water pipes. From North to South, everywhere is filled with the atmosphere of joy and cleanliness to welcome the Lunar New Year.

從風水角度看大掃除的重要性:The importance of general cleaning from a Feng Shui perspective: What the “Flying Stars” mean and how to remedy the negative impact of certain stars.    

經常閱讀智海專欄或閱讀其它風水書籍的朋友,想必對 “ 玄空飛星學” 中的 “五黄”、 “二黑” 這二顆星都是深惡痛絕。因為这二顆星是凶中之凶、禍中之首。

Friends who often read Zhihai’s columns or read other Feng Shui books often hear the term “Flying Star”. The concept of “flying star” refers to the dynamic movement and interaction of various energy influences or stars within a space, which can impact the overall harmony and energy flow in that environment. Those who understand these concepts must have a deep hatred for the two flying stars “5” and “2”.

These two stars are the most evil among evils and the chief among disasters.

五黄廉貞凶星五行屬土,又名正關煞,在八運期間 (2004年—-2023年) 為矢令,代表死亡絕症、血光之災、家破人亡。此煞亦會招邪灵之气。

It is important to combat the flying star “5” which belongs to the earth element, During the nine periods of Fengshui (2024-2043), this star represents death, terminal illness, bloody disaster, and family destruction. Wow! This evil flying star will also attract evil spirits.


The five elements of the flying star “2” also belongs to earth, and is also known as the disease star. During the Nine Period of Fengshui, it represents death from terminal illness, misfortune and loss of wealth, loss of family and bankruptcy, etc. This star also attracts evil spirits.

哪些居家室內部位,代表五黃/二黑大煞呢? Which indoor parts of the home represent the flying stars “5” “2”.

五黃与二黑這二顆大煞有其共同點。凡家中有污穢、堆積、潮濕、陰暗、寒冷、發霉、雜物、灰尘、等等之處,都代表是五黃与二黑。2024 甲辰龙年五黃与二黑的位置在西方和东南方。 故此方位一定要干淨和整齊。

Flying stars “5” & “2” have something in common. Any place where there is dirt, accumulation, dampness, darkness, coldness, mold, debris, dust, etc. in the home represents “5” & “2”.

In 2024, the Year of the Dragon, Flying stars “5” & “2” are located in the West and Southeast. Therefore, these two Bugua sectors must be clean and neat.

大掃除注意的事項:Things to note during general cleaning:



Cleaning on the right day is very important as a remedy for negative Flying Stars.

If everything went as planned and your fortune went smoothly in the past year, you should start cleaning at the front door and then proceed inside the house to keep the good energy in the house.

However, if you have bad luck in the past year, you should start cleaning from the end of the house to the front door to sweep the bad energy out of your house.

大掃除时间:General cleaning time:

請記住以下的迎新年大掃除日子:西歷的02/07/2024(星期三,即农历的腊月二十八日,是“年 廿 八 , 洗 邋 遢” 的日子)。

Please remember the following cleaning day for coming New Year: 02/07/2024 in the Western calendar (Wednesday, the 28th day of December in lunar calendar).

“ 室雅何須大,花香不在多”,催吉化凶先從窗明几淨開始。要想在2024甲辰龙年健康、幸褔、發財,就從迎新年大掃除開始吧!

If you want to be healthy, happy and prosperous in 2024, the Year of the Dragon, start with New Year General cleaning!


龙,狗, 兔,牛,羊,


姓名;生日(注明阴历或阳历);住址 。



  • These 5 zodiacs need to get Taisui Fu:
  • Dragon, Dog, Rabbit, Ox, Sheep.
  • I need 3 pieces of information to provide Taisui Fu: Name/Birthday/Address

Please contact me and I can provide the TaiSui. You need two. Note: When you receive two red TaiSui Fu, you will receive detailed instructions.

代谢2023年太岁符:Help you give thanks to last year’s Taisui Fu.



If you received 2023 TaiSui Fu from Zhihai, please mail back the 2 Red TaiSui Fu between 02/02—02/08/2024. I will help you to thank Taishui in a special ceremony.

2024-02-04_21-43-08 Feng Shui Master Zhi Hai-The Money Frog-Wearable Money Frog Jewelry

I encourage everyone to visit THEMONEYFROG.COM for a wide selection of unique Money Frogs not only for your home or business but also beautifully designed personal Money Frog jewelry that you can carry with you at all times. Reach out to me for special pre-introduction offers meant for my clients, friends and family before they get posted to that site.



Finally, I wish you, your family and friends a healthy, happy, prosperous and fulfilling New Year!


A Fun Gift for You

I have had many digital “New Year of the Dragon” images made for my friends and clients. Below is just one example. You can download any one of the many images at:

Feel free to use these on your gift cards, emails and social media posts. They are fun and I am adding several each day between now and the New Year.



微信号 QR Code

For Year of the Dragon Advice-Please Call 646-271-6868

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Feng Shui Master ZHI HAI

Zhi Hai (pronounced Zee Hi) is a world renowned Feng Shui Master, the President and Founder of the America Feng Shui Association, Metaphysics Master, practitioner of traditional Tibetan Meditation and Architect with a specialty in the highly specialized knowledge of China’s First Emperor…Huangdi.