Money Frog

Money Frog Myth or Science

Our minds work in magical ways. There is no question that a significant part of Money Frog is based on long standing mythology. If you are like me you understand that these beliefs have foundation. In the case of Money Frog the foundation is spiritual and scientific. 

A Money Frog is a symbol that is associated with Feng Shui, a traditional Chinese system of aesthetics and spatial arrangement believed to enhance the balance and flow of energy in a given environment.

This is important because such balance can also trigger release of Dopamine, the chemical in our brain associated with “reward”. Put simply, if the energy around you feels balanced and tuned correctly, you feel balance and peace and that releases “good chemicals” in the body.

While I could quote from scientific journals that get deep into this process such as “The Behavioral Neuroscience of Motivation:” I think Forbes magazines article put it in much simpler terms:

“… although the link between dopamine levels and motivation isn’t a straightforward connection, a team of Vanderbilt scientists has demonstrated that dopamine has a strong impact on your willingness to work. To come to this conclusion, they used brain-mapping technology to analyze the brain patterns of “go-getters” who were willing to work hard for rewards and “slackers” who weren’t. The team found that the “go-getters” had higher levels of dopamine in the reward and motivation portions of the brain”

So bottom line: there is a great deal of science based information suggesting that our motivation to become abundant is critical and Feng Shui/Money Frog contributes to that process in a significant way.

The Daily Benefits of Money Frog on Motivation

When we focus on our goals and visualize what we want to achieve, we can potentially create a positive feedback loop that helps us to stay motivated and take action towards our desired outcomes.

In this sense, using a money frog symbol or mantra as part of your Feng Shui practice may be helpful in terms of achieving abundance in your lives, as it can help you to focus on your goals and create a positive and supportive energy in your environment.

The frequency with which we see or use these motivational devices can influence effectiveness in terms of helping us to achieve our goals and create abundance in our lives.

In general, the more we are exposed to a positive or supportive message, the more it can affect our thoughts and behaviors. When we repeatedly focus on a specific goal or desire, it can help to keep that goal top of mind and motivate us to take action towards achieving it.

For example, if you are using a Money Frog statue as a Feng Shui symbol to attract prosperity and abundance into your life, placing the statue in a visible location where you will see it frequently may help you to reinforce the message of abundance and keep it top of mind. Similarly, if you are using a money frog mantra as a way to focus on your goals and attract abundance, regularly repeating the mantra may help to strengthen the message and keep you motivated.

So What Does All This Science Suggest about the ,Mystical Powers of The Money Frog

This is where it gets very interesting. I have mentioned elsewhere that preperation, cleansing, degaussing, protecting is key to using an authentic Money Frog. In the most simplistic terms this boils down to two very straight forward concepts. 1) If it works don’t mess with it and 2) “other sciences” are equally at work. 

“If it works….” Money Frogs have worked for thousands, probably hundreds of thousands, of people throughout time. The better they prepared the Money Frogs, the better they worked. All of Eastern medicine and much of the philosophy is based on observation. And we have observed that these practices are important and work. Moreover, logic would strongly suggest that the same scientific premises that make motivation work would likely have the opposite effect if one was to “cheat” the process by thinking that a lesser Money Frog would be effective. If you are going to believe than believe in the right tool. 

As too other sciences. The study of gemstones, crystals, astrology, may all be “soft sciences” but they non-the-less have had significant impacts on peoples lives. 

In summary both hard, researched scientific evidence concerning motivation, abundance and achievement as well as “soft sciences” such as astrology, gemology, and Feng Shui all support the effectiveness of the Money Frog. I suppose that’s why “I love my Money Frogs” 🙂