Money Frog

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Abundance and Prosperity is Your Destiny

Do you seek more Abundance and Prosperity? Abundance in money, spirit, knowledge, health, relationships, economic and spiritual freedom especially in these recent times!

Let Money Frog guide you to Wealth and Prosperity?

For thousands of years The Legend of Money Frog has been a source of Abundance and Prosperity. Everything on this site focuses on empowering people to discover and use your capabilities, the tools of ancient arts and modern science to maximize your ability to achieve a life full of abundance and prosperity. Objects you carry with you, put in your office for good luck. Valuable information I find every day. “The Money Frog is your personal source of wealth increasing information, products and good fortune. 

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"I Love My Money Frogs"

See some of the unique and rare Money Frogs I have found in my collections, how to use them and what makes them so special. Discover “wearable” money frogs that encourage your achievements. Guide you on the right path every day.


Custom Designed, Cleansed and Protected

Money Frogs on this site differ from most found elsewhere.

I use big dipper and five elements water on the chosen auspicious day to purify every Money Frog.

I open the eyes, ears. nose, tongue, body and mind’s inner energy with special mantras and protect them with a rare mineral.

The objects are handled with a fresh pair of gloves, placed in a “Zeehi Degaussing Box” which is sealed with unbroken wax, then transported to you. When you receive your Money Frog, you know no one has touched it since Zhihai’s (Zeehi) “cleansing”. Learn more about this critically important step HERE.

Prosperity is in the palms of your Hand… Literally

The Money Frog is like an Angel that is with you every day.

Each time you make a decision this friend asks “Will this get you closer to your desired goal?”

Each time You glance at your wrist, a ring on your finger or see the statue on your desk it reminds you that you have a goal in life.

It reminds you of your goals.

In my life, it has enabled me to live the life I love. Learn more HERE.


Prosperity is in the palms of your Hand… Literally

Imagine if you had a small Angel that follows you around every day and each time you make a decision this friend asks “Will this get you closer to your desired goal?”

The more I want to succeed the more I want to be reminded by my Money Frog that wealth is mine to have.

Each time I glance at my wrist or see the statue on my desk it reminds me that I have a goal in life. And I subconsciously remind myself of my goals. It has enabled me to live the life I love. Learn more HERE.


Custom Designed, Cleansed and Protected

Money Frogs on this site differ from most found elsewhere.

I use big dipper and five elements water on the chosen auspicious day to purify every object.

I open the eyes, ears. nose, tongue, body and mind’s inner energy with special mantras and protect them with a rare mineral.

The objects are handled with a fresh pair of gloves, placed in a “Zeehi Degaussing Box” which is sealed with unbroken wax, then transported to you. When you receive your Money Frog, you know no one has touched it since Zhihai’s (Zeehi) “cleansing”. Learn more about this critically important step HERE.

What you will find on this site

Beautiful and powerful Money Frogs designed to invite Abundance and Prosperity. Money Frog statues for your home and business. Money Frog jewelry for you to carry good luck at all times. Valuable information I find. Tap into the legend of the Money Frog and the power of your own belief to create a more Abundant and Prosperous future.

Your Life Goals & Money Frogs

Health, Wealth & Happiness are supported through our Relationships and applied through gained knowledge and experience- (“Wisdom“). Follow these links for these tools.


“Health is the greatest asset of life”, but we are born with some un-balanced five elements which caused our organ’s energy to be unbalanced. Help balance health energy by using these products.


Wealth is the energy of one’s blessings/karmic reward. Master wealth in your home and business by utilizing the principles of the Money Frog statutes.


Choice is greater than effort. Money Frog relationship Bracelets can break through vicious cycles in life and help attract the right people to maximize your success in love and relationships.


Wisdom differs from smart or clever. It is the higher Dimension level to see this 3D world without “the five poisons” (greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt).

More Tools

We use Life Tools to obtain our Goals such as Harmony and Balance to move through the days with ease, Motivation to complete that which we start, Protection block negative energy.

Balance & Harmony

Help get through to your personal inner energy based on the ancient knowledge of Five Elements which represent health, wealth, relationship, prosperity…


Many people are looking for motivation. This Money Frog category helps you find value in yourself in a higher, deeper level, can help provide you the energy to take action.


The world itself is full of positive and negative energy. With this “Protection” bracelet, we can block negative forces, increase auspicious forces to help achieve life goals.

Rare Money Frogs

What makes these Money Frogs very special is that they have been cleansed, opened their inner energy, delivered to you with pure blessings and are of very high quality. Over the years I have found and collected unusual Money Frogs either in design, material or workmanship. They differ substantially from most money frogs found on the internet and in trinket stores.
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Authentic Money Frogs

The authentic money frog is a fortune frog that transcends human “three-dimensional space” and has a higher- perspective and high-altitude energy link. For a quick explanation watch this video or for complete information. Read More Here. 

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We Open the Inner Energy of the Money Frog

For Money Frog to bring you Abundance and Prosperity, an important step must be taken after cleansing. Money Frog’s inner energy like eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind have to be opened with a Mantra on an auspicious day… Watch this video and get more HERE.